July 23, 2008

July is almost over and I told myself that I would try to post at least once a month on our blog. So here goes. What are we up to? Living our lives. Xee goes to work and then enjoys our family days at the beach or hanging out at home. He especially loves taking Phoebe for rides on the boogey board. Phoebe and I have been doing our usual...playing at home, going for walks, trips to the grocery store, chores around the house, bathtime, reading books, etc...exciting. Well, there is a lot of encouraging and teaching and disciplining that gets woven into all of these daily activities. As it turns out, it can be quite exhausting!

So if you ever ask me what I do, you might get the following response. I am a teacher, a driver, a short-order cook and occasional chef, a housekeeper, a motivational speaker, a linguist, an interpreter, a nurse, a dancer, an actress, an improv specialist, a storyteller, a correctional officer, and a referee. I am in the business of hugging, kissing, hurrying, scurrying, scooting, shewing, oohing and aahing. The more daunting tasks include threatening, disciplining, and yes, hazardous waste removal. I am a MOM!

I once met a lady at the airport who said it best when quoting her own daughter's words, "having a toddler is like starting up a blender...without the lid"! That cracks me up. Though it is not complete chaos in our home all of the time, the possibility AND probability of an explosion of some sort sits just below the surface of any given moment. And we wouldn't trade it for anything! Because along with it comes a ton of fun and the sheer joy of getting to experience every little step in our child's development. Is there anything cooler than that? Not to say that I don't need a break once in a while! Serenity now!! And thanks to my wonderful husband (of eight years now...yahoo) I do get the chance for some much needed time for myself. On his days off, I sleep in just a little bit longer while he and Phoebe go to the lagoons for a morning swim. It is strangely sweet to start my day in such a peaceful way. And how does the day end? It varies, with Xee and I usually ending up on the couch to relax in front of the T.V. and then reluctantly heading off to bed. But one thing remains the same. We are content. We are loved. We are blessed! God is so good!


Shiloh Strang said...

You Happy Hers are adorable! Thanks for letting us all have a peek into your lives!
Love in Christ,
Cindy for the Strangs

M. Fritze said...

what a great life you have there! i loved the photos of the bday party. the cupcakes and cake were amazing! makes me want a little girl!