March 18, 2010

Our Little Cubbie

Well, hello there!

Has it really been this long? I must apologize to my faithful readers (um, especially to you sis) for not being around much lately. I write plenty of posts in my head...the problem is getting the oomph (and the time) to write it down. At the end of the day, I just want to plop down on the couch with a book, or watch a little TV with my husband, then crawl into bed. I've got a feeling you can all relate to that.

So, Phoebe has been attending Awanas, a scouting group for the kids at our church. When she turned three, we were so excited for her to finally get to join as a "Cubbie". And of course, this milestone got me all teary just thinking about her leaving the nursery for the "big kid" club. Yet another moment of graduation from baby to full-fledged kiddo. Oh boy, was she ready. As you all know enough about this kid by now, you can imagine that she is not the type to sit quietly in adult services for well over an hour. She's a DOER, not a sitter.

Seeing Phoebe join in with the other kids that first day of Awanas brought back so many memories of my time in a similar kids group, called Caravans. We sang songs, memorized scripture, and earned patches for our uniforms...which my mother lovingly sewed on, one stitch at a time. Being the modern, savvy mom that I am, I tried the "magical" As-Seen-On-TV fabric glue. I was actually quite impressed with my ingenuity...right up to the point where one of the Cubbie leaders handed me our daughter's patchless vest, along with a "nice try" pat on the shoulder. So now I am that mom who endures the occasional finger-poke, stitch after stitch, applying patches on this little uniform (yet another milestone in my own graduation process). But don't dare turn it over to see my handy work. I am not the seamstress my mother is. Hey, as long as the job gets done!

Here is a video of Phoebe dancing and praising the Lord. If you are wondering why she's wearing a football jersey instead of her vest, it was "sports" day. Notice the look of concentration on her face as she is quite intent on getting all the choreography just right. Sorry about the dizziness of it...I was in quite an uncomfortable, crouched position and was a bit squirmy.


The Euless Martins said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you. I've missed my Phoebe updates. She is just such a beautiful, happy little girl!! Love to all.

M. Fritze said...

she is adorable... and so big now! what a good mommy you are to sew! i make noah do all the ironing so grayson thinks only boys iron!!

Laurel said...

Yea! You are back!! I love Phoebe. And I love picturing you sewing on all those patches. Oh, what we will do in the name of love. xoxo