February 23, 2011

Phoebe's First Ballet Recital

Ole'! Just before the concert, I asked Phoebe to pose for some pictures and she said, "Urgh, I don't want to." Somehow I managed to twist her arm...seriously, do you think this girl has a problem performing?? Wow!

The girls did a number to a song from Don Quixote. They were all so lovely in red.

Um, this is a ballet recital, right? So sassy!

Her teacher was so impressed that I got her cute little bob into the shape of a proper bun. I told her that I have a wee bit of experience doctoring short locks into a formal ballet do. Phoebe looked so mature. Her daddy and I gasped at how grown-up and lady-like she looked.

Waving to Mommy and Daddy just after the finale.

Her and best-good friend Gwynneth. They are like two peas in a pod!


The Euless Martins said...

My beautiful Phoebe....my heart smiles whenever I look at pictures of her. Yes - she is growing up quickly (as they all do) but she is simply adorable...every day...all the time. We just LOVE her and can't wait to meet Ezra so he can leave his imprint on our hearts!!!

*Mom's Best Bets said...

Love the sassy red...great pictures and poses;)