November 19, 2008


Here is a picture of Phoebe when she was much smaller, riding her airplane. This toy has been retired for months but today I pulled it out for a younger playmate. After our little friend left, Phoebe decided to ride the plane around the house. Of course, being a bit too big for it, she had a little crash. The plane tumbled over and the seat (which is also a storage compartment) flew open. She was fine. I was writing an email at the time and I glanced up to find her eating a snack that I did not give her. So I asked her where she got it. She said, "in the airplane." What? I snatch away the snack. Okay, time to check this out. Inside the compartment of this little plane I also found a toy and a sippy cup, which I recognized as belonging to a friend of hers. Again, this thing has not been played with for many months!! I unscrewed the top of this cup to find a nice little science experiment growing inside. Disgusting! Hey, we try our best but sometimes we moms miss a few things. Nice hiding place guys!

1 comment:

Shiloh Strang said...

Hello Hers,

Our Family has tagged your family! Check our blog: for all the details and rules.

~The Strang Family