April 7, 2009

They Say The Darndest Things

(Raise your hand if you love Phoebe's new haircut...Me too! It is ADORABLE)

Phoebe is growing up so fast, our heads are spinning! She turns three next month and we are clinging to two for as long as we can. Here are a few things the little Miss has said recently. She is continually cracking us up.

We were all on the golf cart for a little evening ride around the neighborhood. A big truck passed us and we could smell the exhaust. Phoebe said, "Oh, that so pee-u."

Since our recent trip to the mainland, where Phoebe and I spent two whole weeks away from Daddy, she lovingly insists (on just about a daily basis) that Daddy sleep with Mommy.

Xee totally melts every time Phoebe says this: "Daddy, I love spending time with you."

Mommy melts when Phoebe grabs her face and says, "Oh, I just love you so much."

Phoebe is getting older, and she occasionally skips naps. I don't always know from day to day if she will nap for me. The other day, she was insisting that she did not want to take a nap, but she was a total grump. I overrode her desire to skip the nap, and decided she needed to lay down. She was out in a just a couple of minutes.

When she woke up, I asked her if she had a good nap. She said, "Yeah." And as if to acknowledge that I had done the right thing by making her rest (and my overall mommy of the year status), she replied, "Mommy, you always take such good care of me."

Anytime Xee and I are discussing something remotely serious...not arguing, just discussing life, etc., Phoebe interrupts, "Guys, guys, don't be rude to each udder."

The other morning Phoebe and I were snuggling in bed. She declared, "I slept all night in my bed." (She struggled with that for a few weeks, and in desperation I offered her a "special treat" as a reward when she stayed in her own bed.)

"That's great honey", I said. Then Phoebe sniffed and said, "I sfell something."

(Uh oh, my yucky morning breath?) "What do you smell Phoebe?"

"My sfecial treat!" (LOL)

Her newest expression of independence? When she wants her way and is not getting it, she huffs and says, "That's my CHOICE." And when she is not wanting to comply, it is, "That's not my CHOICE."

Recently I was driving to a birthday party and I called Xee at work because I forgot my directions. He was pretty busy and was kind of short with me. I wasn't exactly sweet and loving when I told him that I was sorry to have interrupted him at work. When I got off the phone, Phoebe asked, "Why you being so mean to my Daddy?...Don't do that to each udder."

My response? I promptly called Daddy back and apologized.

Then Phoebe insisted she say "hello" to Daddy. I gave her the phone. And she said, "I'm sorry my Mommy being so mean to you."

Okay, lessons are flowing both ways around here!!!


The Euless Martins said...

Love her new haircut! She is so beautiful, then again, look at Mom and Dad and we see where she gets her charm, beauty, personality and wit!

Happy Easter!!!

M. Fritze said...

wow- she is like, 25 years old already! She looks adorable with the hair. What a doll.