January 30, 2010

Phoebe, Our Phoebe!

I was sitting in the waiting room at my chiropractor’s office the other day, reading Real Simple…a rare treat to actually sit and read a magazine in the middle of the day. I managed to read about half a page before Phoebe ran over with a deck of "Go Fish" cards, insisting I join her.

The magazine was highlighting quotes from various people, answering the question, “Who inspires you in fashion?” Instantly I was able to answer, "My three-year-old." And it’s not just in fashion that she inspires me, it is with everything. If I had to describe her, I might call her a jalapeno dipped in maple syrup--dripping with sweetness, but fiery at the very core. This girl may ride her scooter in a tutu and tiara, but that doesn't stop her from performing daring tricks and remaining totally fearless! She’s full of life, untainted by the world. I want her confidence and her swagger. I want to wear polka dots and stripes, sport crooked pigtails, and all my favorite accessories at once, not giving a second thought to what people might say or think!

At the risk of sounding redundant, I just cannot believe how quickly Phoebe is growing up. Once in a while I feel the desire to speed things up, just so I can have a full-functioning brain again (or is it already too late?). Mostly, I am soaking in every moment of this age, knowing all too well that it is impossible to stop time from moving ahead. After all, the next birthday is just around the corner...and I will do everything in my power to keep the world out there from sneaking in and stealing away this precious youth, and pressing her far too soon toward the inevitable -Eeew, becoming a grown-up!

I know how you all enjoy the Phoebe-isms (I sure do), so I thought I would share just a few more with you. Here are a few things that can be heard around here lately:

~"Seriously, Daddy!" (You think she may have gotten this one from me?)

~We drove into a parking spot and there was a van, just like ours, in the next stall. Phoebe said, "Hey, look Mama! They have a car the same shape as ours...Do you think that they have kids that drive them CRRRAZY?"

~Today she came out of her toy closet...um, excuse me, castle, donning a fancy little outfit and announced, "I am the Princess of All, with sparkly shoes...My daddy is the King of All...and my mommy is the Queen of All."

Clap, clap! I called for the servants, but no once came, so I went ahead and started the laundry myself.

~Okay, this one is a bit embarrassing, but hey, I am a busy mommy. We were snuggling in bed one morning and I had my arms stretched out above my head. Phoebe said, "Mommy, your armpit is growing a mustache." (Oh boy, next thing you know she'll discover my morning-breath!)

~Even Phoebe's prayers are getting more and more sophisticated. Daddy and I tear up often at the dinner table. She will say something like, "Dear Lord, thank you for my mommy and daddy. Thank you for blessing us every day. Thank you for this food. God you are holy! Amen....oh, and please forgive our sins. Amen!"

~This may be TMI, but nothing is off limits with a three-year-old. She was in the bathroom, ahem, taking care of business, when she excitedly called for me. "Mommy, come here. Hurry, Mommy, come see!" I came in and she pointed between her legs, saying with great enthusiasm, "Look, I made a 'U' with with my poo-poo!" (Dr. Oz would be so proud.)

~Somehow Phoebe and her Daddy wound up in a deep conversation about Africa. Now Phoebe frequently tells me that one day she is going to "go to Africa and bring food and water because they don't have very much there."

~Riding in the car, she exclaimed, "Break down the windows, Mommy. Leo tooted!" (I guess imaginary friends have gas too.)

~She likes to randomly quote scripture, so at any given moment she might say, "I cry out to the Lord..." OR "For all have sinned, so God sent His son." She follows them all up with "first John, four-ten."

~Phoebe's favorite number right now is "sixty hundred". If I say she has five more minutes to play before cleaning up, she tries to push it to "sixty hundred". If you ask her a question that requires a numeric answer...chances are, the response will be "sixty hundred".

~If you ask Phoebe what her middle name is, she will say "Fish". She told me the other day that her first "second name" is Grace, but she changed it to Fish.

~So, speaking of prayers, Little Miss Bossy prayed at her tea party the other day, "Dear Lord, thank you for Mommy, and Daddy, and Phoebe. Please forgive my daddy for not being obedient to me. Amen."

Yes, she is three going on fifteen. She is taking us on one grand adventure. I realized not too long ago that her little toddler New York accent has gone away. So now I am clinging to some of the remaining jewels of this precious time...like the way she conjugates words or the few mispronunciations that still linger. Words like, go'd, drinked, maked, aminals, and my personal favorite, baawkamole.

Every day Phoebe expresses herself in ways that both amaze and amuse us. From the making up of silly words, to heartfelt songs about how much she loves her daddy, and of course, the absolute obsessive affection for "booey", we treasure the innocence, we relish the hugs and kisses, and we exhaust ourselves in a futile effort to keep up!


Esla said...

Wow, I think I teared up a few times reading that. I feel the same way but you put it into words so well. What a great log you have kept of Phoebe...I wish I could say the same about my children. I try to remember all those cute things they say and mean to write them down and then the day just gets away from me. Phoebe sounds hilarious! Those quotes are amazing. I really enjoyed reading them. Thank you!

M. Fritze said...

oh i just wanted to cry reading that! but then i kept laughing all the phoebe-isms! i cannot believe her little scriptorian mind! she and gray were seriously kin spirits before they were born because they sound toooo alike! gray's number is 40-80 and his poo was shaped like an S as he announced. tell her atticus is glad someone shares his middle name of fish!

Laurel said...

I love 3 year olds! I wish I could have a bundle more just to keep enjoying the miracle of childhood. Phoebe sounds like a girl who could brighten any room. What a lucky mommy you are! I can't believe how fast it goes. I love my 8 year old, but reading your post made me want another girl just so I could enjoy the sparkly shoe phase once more. ahhhh...

The Euless Martins said...

Thank you for sharing!! What a wonderful post to read on my computer first thing in the morning - it will brighten the entire day (or week or month) as I think back on "Phoebe-isms" and smile! Love and hugs to all three of you...