April 17, 2011

Picture Time

I have been working on this post for days now, off and on...a few minutes here and there in the midst of my daily life with Phoebe and the babe. Doing the "Baby Dance", hangin' with Miss Phoebe, and taking care of our home (sort of) is quite the juggling act. So here are some pictures...finally!

A view of the babe in my hospital bed. He was so teeny-tiny then...just weeks ago.

Home from the hospital at last.

Sweet time with Grammy!

Ah, time to relax!

Tiny toes!

"Kiss me!"

Sweet dreams.

Ezra's first doctors visit.

His first dinner at Roy's.

More dreams...

And more...

And yet more.

It might be nap time again...

"I kissed a giraffe."

"I love my sissy!"

What a great little mommy!

Xee's mom made a beautiful, traditional Hmong baby carrier for us when Phoebe was born and now another for Ezra. Here is Daddy, carrying our big baby in it!

Phoebe dressed herself for our "grocery store" game. Quite a fancy do.

So cozy next to Mommy in the baby carrier.

Ezra's recent visit to the doctor for his two month check-up.

He weighed in at 11 lbs, and measured 23 inches tall.

"Look what I can do...I am so strong."

HANDSOME little guy!

1 comment:

M. Fritze said...

what beautiful pics! they grow so fast it must be documented! hope to see you soon...