April 10, 2011

Sweet Talkin' Guy

My boy, Ezra, is quite the cooer. Coo? I am not sure where that term comes from, since nothing he says sounds like "coo". Anyway, I have tried many times to capture his sweet voice on camera, but most of the time he is so confused by the camera or phone that he simply stares. I was finally able to get a wee bit of footage of him chatting with me, though he is even more talkative without the distraction of digital devices in his face. He talks to everyone in the house, but has the most to say to his Mama. I am just thrilled with that-he is my little man!

(This video was taken with my phone and I ended up having to rotate it.)

1 comment:

M. Fritze said...

oh he is the sweetest! a BOY that will be a great communicator... i love it!!