June 4, 2009

She's Three...And We No Can Believe It!

So aside from the news that someone had an "accident" in the pool,just minutes before the party was scheduled to start, and the fact that I was still baking cupcakes at 2:30 for a 3 o'clock party (while still in my jammies and yet to shower), Phoebe's 3rd birthday celebration went off without a hitch! The party was so much fun. The kids had a blast and yes, eventually got to swim at our pool party. After the candle blowing, the present opening frenzy, and the cleaning up, we were left wondering how it was possible that our BABY was now a three-year-old. Here are some highlights from the day!

The invite-thanks to Picasa, I can masquerade as a crafty person.

Let the party begin!

Not only does my Daddy fold origami, he glues googley eyes too!

Concentrating on the task at hand-Coral and Kaiana.

Adorable necklace!

Cool spaceship and dinosaur!

More AWESOME origami projects!!

Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes...

AAAAAAH! Brady and Kai loungin' by the pool. Now that is the way to eat a cupcake!

Gwen and Coral say, YUMMY!!!!

Yes!!! The pool is finally open and Caitlyn is ready!

Phoebe has her eye on these.

A splendid day! Happy Birthday, dear Phoebe!!!

At home, Phoebe opens her gifts and just can't help but try everything on at once.

The aftermath...


Anonymous said...

Great pictures...what a fun time

Anonymous said...

anonymous is me...Patrice

Laurel said...

Aren't birthday parties exhausting?? Seriously. I always feel like a rag doll after one of my kid's bday parties. And like you, of course, I am always coming in right under the wire. Why is that?

You and Xee both look so great, and I can no believe it either that Phoebe is three! How did that happen???

The Euless Martins said...

In the picture with the goggles and ice-cream she looks exactly like a miniature Xee! Great photos--please give my girl a birthday kiss!!!
Love from Yinda and Don

M. Fritze said...

loved all the pix! happy bday phoebs. wish we could've been there! looks like you could be a party planner, so fun!! gray's baseball party was exhausting! i think girls party diff than boys at age 3!!