July 14, 2009

Things I Know

It's my birthday...yeah, yeah, happy birthday to me. And I was thinking about what I have experienced in my life and what I now know to be true in my thirties. There are things I can do now that I couldn't do ten years ago...like non-girl push-ups for instance (flex, flex). And there are things I have experienced that have shaken things up a bit-like having a baby, and losing a parent. Life is constantly changing and I am along for the ride. There is still much to be discovered, but today I am focusing on the important stuff... So here are a few things I know:

Thirty Somethings

1. It is absolutely essential to own a good bra!

2. Same goes for undies...I don't care if you say that you only wear cute and silky (liar), somewhere in your drawer lurks a pair of control-top somethings to help slim and lift you into that special-occasion dress.

3. My current motto-40 is the new 30. I guess that means I am technically in the new 20's.

4. Before I had a baby, I still felt like a girl...now I am a WOMAN.

5. The gravitational pull is getting stronger.

6. Chocolate is the fifth essential food group.

7. The term "raging hormones" doesn't quite mean what it used to.

8. Exercise yields around ten percent improvement and ninety percent maintenance-gravity!

9. I don't pretend to know something I don't, nor do I care that I don't know. Instead of nodding my head and going along, I just admit that I haven't got a clue. (Hey, I spend most of my waking hours with a three-year-old. Who do I need to impress?)

10. It just gets better. Okay, so I have a few battle scars from pregnancy and a little deflation from breastfeeding, but other than that, I think I actually look better in my thirties. I'm healthier. I'm stronger. Marriage is sweeter. Friendships are deeper. Family is cherished. Life is abundant!


Jana said...

Sorry I missed your birthday, I wish I was in Hawaii to celebrate it w/ you. Amen to everything you posted. I actually embraced turning 30 last year, and feel more assure and confident than I ever have. Missing you LOTS!

M. Fritze said...

happy bday, girl!!!! hope you got to eat some yummy food! you post was soooo great. you make me smile.

so, let's have it: brands of bra and chocolate that you love. spill it, sister!!