July 28, 2009

How Free Is Three!

Three is a marvelous age! I want to be three. I want to bottle up everything about three (okay, not everything) and take a drink. And mostly, I want to freeze three and keep Phoebe this age for a long, long time. But even if I had the power to freeze time, I would only do it for a short while because it just gets better. It is amazing how quickly kids go from babbling to ridiculously grown-up sentences and thought-provoking questions. I love how Phoebe's artistry has transformed from mere scribble to drawing. Here are a couple of her recent works:

An awesome rendition of her daddy that is proudly displayed in his office at work.

Phoebe loves to write and paint her name!


The Euless Martins said...

Please tell her Yinda and Don send hugs and kisses!

Laurel said...

You said something that resonated with me: How every stage just gets better and better. I remember being so suprised with Logan. At each stage I thought, "This is THE best age," and then I was always surprised how I loved the next stage even more! I'm wondering if that will ever end, but I certainly hope not!