July 6, 2009

Three Cheers For the Nap!

We were on a very long, eleven-day stretch with no nap when Phoebe finally broke and fell asleep during a "quiet time" in front of a Veggie Tales movie...two days in a row. And since little Miss Stubborn finally took those much needed naps, she is also no longer waking at night. I am a firm believer that sleep begets sleep. When you're overtired, ironically, sleep does not always come easy. So we are all resting better now that the toddler nap is gracing us with it's presence once in a while. Hooray!

1 comment:

M. Fritze said...

sooo true! if gray is crazy busy all day and doesn't sleep, a hard night is ahead for us. why is that!? i feel ya! i have been napping with him most days... but then i am up until 2am... looking at your blog i guess!