August 10, 2009

Random Thought

I just got back from the dentist a little while ago, not my favorite thing to do, but not all so bad. I was in for a cleaning last week when the doctor found a chip on one of my molars. Anyway, I was laying there, thinking about how our bodies function and how automatic things are. We get a feeling and we know we have to pee. We need to swallow, and our mouth and throat just do it. And it involves this very strong, has-a-mind-of-it's-own muscle...the tongue. As soon as the dentist sticks an apparatus in my mouth, I tell you, it is like a puppy, running around sniffing everything in sight. Good thing the dental assistant has two hands available, one for suction and the other to hold down my curious tongue!

I also find it odd that every time I get work done on my mouth, I am told the Novocaine will wear off in a couple hours or so. Really?! Because it has been three and a half hours and not only is the right side of my mouth and tongue still numb, but the Novocaine has spread to my chin and part of my nose. What's up with that? Maybe some people are more sensitive than others. Yeah, I realize this is a random post, but I was just thinkin' and I had the time to tell you all about it. Maybe I just needed something to take my mind off my growling belly...I tried eating. It feels weird and it takes forever to chew my food. Go away numbness. C'mon already!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

ohmygoodness! On first reading I thought you said, "growing belly" not "growling belly" and my heart jumped a little bit for you. :0) I too hate that feeling of dead mouth. Last time I went to the dentist, I ran into an old friend. I was eating an icecream cone and she had to tell me I had icecream on my chin. Nice.