May 12, 2009

Rain Check Please

Okay, I would like to make an amendment to my earlier post on Mother's Day...thank your mother for birthday parties. The invitations, the planning, the food, the cupcakes, the games, the scrambling last minute preparations. Since this year, Mother's Day fell the day after my three-year-old birthday pool party (which wasn't a pool party after all for the first two hours, due to an "accident" in the pool...yes, that's right...someone pooped on our pool party. So glad I planned crafts as well. Phew!), I have decided that Sunday was NOT Mother's Day!

I am taking a rain check on Mother's Day! We are heading to Maui at the end of the month, where I plan to designate one day to be my official day. I don't know what I will do or how we celebrate, but it will not include cooking, cleaning, or scrambling! Hopefully, it will involve a little tranquility. A little. I do, after all, have a three-year-old!!! By the way, the party was a blast. Pictures are soon to follow.

1 comment:

M. Fritze said...

okay, that was seriously so funny to read... but so sad for you! hope you really do have some non-poopy fun in maui!!