May 17, 2009

To Your Health

Some of been wondering when I might post the next To Your Health. I have had many in the works in this head of mine, but have yet to get down to it. So I am taking the easy route (just this once) and referring you all to my friends over at Ebenezer Forest Farm, and their post, Pork Anyone. Now, I love bacon as much as anyone, but I have had my share of food poisoning and even... dare I say it, I've had a parasite! (It is more common than you have probably had them too.)

Xee and I have given up pork a number of times, only to give in for the annual Christmas ham, or for parties here in Hawaii where Kalua Pig is a staple. Recently we are back on the "no pork" wagon. So click on the title above and read for yourself the alarming statistics on pork related illnesses. Just a little food for thought. Here's to your health!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Someone pooped on your pool party??! Aren't throwing birthday parties exhausting??? Who knew? How was Ben? Helpful I hope. It hardly seems fair that he has been over there twice. I'm green with envy! I only got to watch his dog (who pooped in our living sitting is exhausting too.) :0)