May 29, 2009

Unsolved Mystery

This morning, our "alarm clock" waltzed through our bedroom door and jumped into bed with us for some snuggling time. We reluctantly, and a bit grumpily, started our day. I was still lounging in bed when Xee asked me if I had taken Phoebe's night time diaper off. My answer was, "No."

"Well, she isn't wearing it."

I assured him that sometimes she takes it off first thing in the morning. "It's probably on the floor in her room," I said, as I rolled over and put my face back into my pillow.

Minutes later, Xee informed me that he looked and hadn't found it. (Okay, the Mommy will get up and find it.) I go into her room, expecting to find the diaper staring me in the face. (No offense to Daddy, but this would not be the first time he couldn't find something in the house without my supernatural mommy radar.)

Hmmmm. The diaper is nowhere to be found. The sheets are soiled. Phoebe has a vague recollection of taking it off sometime "last week" (that helps). I ask her a series of questions to dig information out of her, but to no avail. I search under and over and in every corner of her room...but the diaper is still at large.


In the mean time, I might as well share a couple pics of the adorable little Miss. The birthday photos will be posted as soon as I get the TIME!

Here she is on an emergency pit stop. I keep a little potty in the car, just in case...You never know when you might need it. It just happens to be a singing potty, so once in a while I go over a bump and hear, "Wheeee. Now let's flush the potty!" or "Hooray! You went potty. Way to go!"

The Naked Chef! Phoebe loves to pretend play, ALL DAY. She just loves her toy closet. I recently converted our storage closet into a special play house...or castle...or whatever she wants it to be. Oh, what fun!!!


Jana said...

That is hilarious! Maybe someone was too tired and she never got one? Or maybe Nemo ate it?

M. Fritze said...

That is seriously so funny! You will find it someday! I love her last week answer. So, the Naked Chef cooking is so awesome!