October 25, 2010

7 Reasons Why Today Was a Good Day

1. In the excitement and anticipation of Daddy coming home, Phoebe was a little angel. Actually, she's an angel every day, but sometimes she temporarily misplaces her halo.

2. I got a call with some good news this morning concerning one of the "issues" we have been dealing with. Then I found out that the final book in the series I'm reading came in to the library today. Can't wait to read it and see how it all ends!

3. A friend from church texted me this afternoon to tell me she was at the beach, and would I like to take a break and drop Phoebe off to play with her daughter? WOULD I?? Um, yes please.

4. The weather around here is on the cusp of change. Well, I won't be sporting turtlenecks or anything, but the tradewinds have kicked up and it feels as though we are moving a few millimeters closer to the idea of fall and winter. The tourists won't have as many "perfect" beach days, but I am kind of digging the overcast look once in a while.

5. Opened up my email to find several messages from some of you ladies regarding my last post. I love you all dearly and am so thankful to have you identifying with me in this walk of life, whether it be through the meadow or through the mud! I think I must add a little P.S. to this previous post...

(P.S. Despite the stomach-churning, face-clenching, unpredictable swinging and swaying, we still got off the ride smiling...laughing, in fact. We do so enjoy an adventure! )

6. Picked up Daddy from the airport! Woo-hoo! I must state clearly here that I am NOT cut out for single parenthood (who is?). Though I did relish in the glory of hearing my daughter declare every day, with squeals of delight, that it was "girls day". She is, afterall, my favorite girlfriend!

7. Last, but definitely not least, God is good. He sustains me every day. He loves me with a pure and everlasting love. And though life's circumstances may shift like the weather, He never changes. He never fails.

1 comment:

M. Fritze said...

loved that post! sometimes it's like you write exactly what i feel but lack some peace of mind to formulate a sentence! anyway, thank you for that.