January 16, 2009

He's MINE!

The Tea Party Place is playing a little game of tag and I'm it. So here is the scoop on Xee:

1. Where did you meet your husband? This will have to be a detailed answer. The summer before my Freshman year, my mom and I went to SPOP (Student Parent Orientation Program) at the dorms. I got paired in a dorm room with another student for the weekend. A couple months later when school started, I ran into her and we hung out quite a bit. Xee lived in her dorm building. We got introduced in passing...I never would have guessed he was going to be "the one". He and I were acquaintances for many years (five actually) before we fell in love. I'm no longer friends with that girl, but I guess I have her to thank for introducing me to my husband.

2. How long have you been married? It will be nine years July 16. We have always said that we would renew our vows for our ten year anniversary. I can't wait!

3. How long did you date? Almost two years by the time we could manage the wedding plans...but we knew right away that this was it. We talked about our future kids within weeks of dating. It was so crazy...and so amazing.

4. What does he do that surprises you? On the rare occasion that Xee pulls off a surprise, that is a surprise in itself. He's horrible at them. Poor guy tries, but often blurts it out along with something like, "I wanted to surprise you, but...." It drives me crazy, but it is also one of the most endearing qualities about him. He just can't keep it to himself. So while big surprises are rare, he often catches me off guard with love notes and other little things.

5. What is your favorite feature of his? Oooh. Well, I love his smile. He has great lips. But what really stopped me in my tracks were his legs-they're hot. And sadly, much of the time they are much smoother than mine!

6. What is his best quality? He has so many wonderful qualities. Xee is a man of integrity. He is kind and generous and true. I guess his best quality is that he is faithful. He follows through. Anyone who knows him would agree that he has an amazing work ethic. He shows up and gives it everything he has.

7. Does he have a nick name for you? We call each other by many. It is almost weird to hear my first name come out of his mouth...either he really needs my attention or I am in trouble. Anyway, I think my favorite nick name is Love.

8. What is his favorite food? Are chilies a food? The man will put chilies on anything. Or just dip them in salt and eat them by themselves. The first several years of our marriage, I often ate toast or cereal for dinner after taking one bite of something he had prepared. He would reply, "But I only used three this time." It's the quality Honey, not the quantity.

9. What is his favorite sport? He likes lots of sports and is very athletic. He plays basketball and flag football when he gets the chance and will watch just about any pro sport on TV. But the winner, hands-down, is Beach Volleyball.

10.When and where was your first kiss? The day after our first date we got together and stayed up all night talking. We ended up on a bench overlooking Corona Del Mar in Newport, CA. He was mid-sentence and I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to kiss him!

more to come...it's bedtime.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

You guys are the cutest couple!! And I love it when I hear other women complimenting their men.

Thanks for taking care of Ben for the week. He had a great time.

I also know that I have an email waiting to be written back to you. I am so completely low energy. Forgive my laziness. I am so happy to be back in touch with you and to get a little taste of what your life is like.

You are right. Things have really changed for us in the last few years. All good stuff, but I'm now realizing how fast it goes. Thank heavens for good friends to share the journey with! xoxo